
Friday, February 12, 2016

Color blocking with Barielle Slate of Affairs

Hi everyone!
Another quick mani to show you guys today. I experimented with color blocking and this has to be one of the easiest ways to get quick nail art done. I had painted my nails with Barielle Slate of Affairs a couple of days prior to this mani and wanted to make it more interesting. I had just purchased Orly Mirrorball that day and wanted to use it right away. Here is the result!

NailaDay: Color Block with Barielle Slate of Affairs and Orly Mirroball

NailaDay: Color Block with Barielle Slate of Affairs and Orly Mirroball

They go so well together, don't you think? I must use Mirrorball by itself one of these days. I really liked the color blocking and really should utilize it more often than I do. All it took was a single piece of tape!
Hope everyone has a great day and thanks for looking!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Couple of Barielle polish swatches - Putt-e On Me and Buddha-ful

Alright, about a month ago, I told you guys I'd show you Barielle Putt-e On Me by itself. I had used it as a base for ILNP Supernova as seen in this post and it worked great. I really love the color by itself too. It's a really flattering shade of taupe-y brown that works great for my skin tone. Two coats gave me excellent coverage. 

NailaDay: Barielle Putt-e On Me

NailaDay: Barielle Putt-e On Me

The second swatch for this post is Barielle Buddha-ful. I remember this being all the rage a while back. It was one of the first "flakie" polishes. Now we're knee deep in flakies but I keep this one for sentimental reasons. The base is a very soft sheer pink. Think any one of a number of Essie polishes that look like this. The flakies are color shifting flakies that shift from a pale gold maybe? to a bright green. Most of the time the shifting happens when the light hits it from an angle. Seen head on the flakies almost seem to disappear. I have pretty prominent visible nail lines but I was kind of frustrated that even at three coats I really couldn't hide them that well from the camera. They were not quite that prominent in real life.

NailaDay: Barielle Buddha-ful

NailaDay: Barielle Buddha-ful