
Monday, May 30, 2016

Barry M Blueberry with watermarble and holo skittlette

I'm back with another manicure from the vault! I wore this about a year ago, when I started going through all my Barry M polishes and swatching those. Just to warn you, you will be seeing a lot of Barry M polishes in the next several weeks. 

This manicure features Barry M Blueberry, a gorgeous effortless sky blue color that took three coats for opacity. I probably could have been fine with two but for a very stark nail line. 

NailaDay: Barry M Blueberry with Orly Mirrorball

The silvery holo on my middle finger is Orly Mirrorball. I did a watermarble accent on my ring finger with Barry M Blueberry, Plum and Prickly Pear. 
NailaDay: Barry M Blueberry with Orly Mirrorball

NailaDay: Barry M Blueberry with Orly Mirrorball

NailaDay: Barry M Blueberry

NailaDay: Barry M Blueberry

I have a bunch in this variation of blue. It's a favorite of mine.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Femme Fatale Lacquer Royal Rubies

This was a brand that is no longer active. The name always got me confused with Femme Fatale Cosmetics from Australia. I won this polish in a giveaway along with three others and always regretted that there were no more polishes being produced by her. I think they are beautiful. This is Femme Fatale Lacquer Royal Rubies, two coats layered over Love and Beauty Cherry.

NailaDay: Femme Fatale Lacquer Royal Rubies

NailaDay: Femme Fatale Lacquer Royal Rubies

The polish itself has a red jelly base square red holographic glitter and other much smaller red glitter. Those square glitters are EVERYTHING!!  I should have sponged those glitters on because I need more of a payoff of those glitters. 

I took a few pictures with lowered exposure because you could see the holographic glitters much better that way.

NailaDay: Femme Fatale Lacquer Royal Rubies

NailaDay: Femme Fatale Lacquer Royal Rubies

A couple of days into it, I did a design with a stencil from Twinkled_T.

NailaDay: Femme Fatale Lacquer Royal Rubies

Square holo glitters = awesomeness.

Thank you.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Barielle Swizzle Stix

Ok, this is going to my very last Barielle polish post in quite some time. Not because I don't like them but because I have showed you pretty much all I have except for a couple. I have Elle's Spell but I have yet to be able to take a good enough picture of it, as awesome as it is.

In today's post, I'm showing you Barielle Swizzle Stix. It's hard to get the most accurate color in the photos but this is very very close. It does have a slightly warmer feel to it. 

NailaDay: Barielle Swizzle Stix

NailaDay: Barielle Swizzle Stix

It's a great color with a great formula. I used two coats here with topcoat. I had no trouble with application. I used it before in my mermaid mani last year.

Alright, that's it! On to Barry M polishes from my stash for the next several posts. Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Barielle Falling Star with Sally Hansen CSM Copper Penny

I'm not done with the Barielle swatches from my stash! I have a pretty blue one for you today, Barielle Falling Star. It's a slightly dusky medium blue with copper glitter mixed in. I decided to amp up the copper factor with some Sally Hansen CSM Copper Penny glitter gradient on my two middle fingers.

NailaDay: Barielle Falling Star with Sally Hansen CSM Copper Penny

NailaDay: Barielle Falling Star with Sally Hansen CSM Copper Penny

I think it looks okay in the pictures but for some reason I wasn't happy with it in real life. I felt like I should have just left it alone. It looked so garish for some reason in real life. Perhaps I went too heavy handed with the glitter, who knows? I took this off earlier than planned because it was bumming me out. 

Here is Falling Star on it's own. This is two coats. The glitter in the polish was subdued and not super shiny. Maybe that's what was wrong with the combo above. The Sally Hansen was so shiny that it looked a little odd with the non shiny but same color glitter on the other nails. Now I can't recall if I liked wearing this one on it's own because my memory is all overshadowed by my dislike for the one above. I'm just going to have to wear it again and find out.  

NailaDay: Barielle Falling Star

NailaDay: Barielle Falling Star

As always, thanks for looking!!