
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Muse with Fall Inspired Sugar Spun Accents

Hello everyone! The start of this weekend is a wet cloudy morning but I don't mind. It's days like this, when the sun peeks through once in a while that you can really see the beauty of all the fall colors. Everything seems so saturated with color! As I mentioned in my post of Sinful Colors Muse, it was another such fall day that inspired this next manicure. I also used a technique that was new to me called the sugar spun technique.

NailaDay: Sinful Colors Muse with Sugar Spun accent

In this technique, you start with a drop of polish on a surface like foil or plastic. Then you wait.... When the polish is just dry enough that if a toothpick or a small dotting tool is dipped in it, it comes away with a string of polish on it. You then place that string of polish on your nails and voila! Does it sound hard? is. You can see where globs of polish fell on the nail and other parts that could use more polish. I think it looks a lot messier than it's supposed to look but then again, we are seeing a real close up of my fingers.

NailaDay: Fall inspired Sugar Spun accents

Here's another picture of what inspired me to use the colors I did.

NailaDay: Fall View

NailaDay: Muse with Sugar Spun accents

The colors I used for this are Sinful Colors Muse, Exotic Green, Unicorn, Courtney Orange, Folly and Rich in Heart. The base of the accent was L'Oreal Tea and Crumpetes. I really like that color for a neutral polish. 

After having finished. I kept looking at it thinking it looks like something else. A quick google search later.....

NailaDay: Muse with Fall Inspired Sugar Spun Accents

I got it! I somehow managed to replicate the flag of Zimbabwe! So, there you go. It was a hit at work though. I had someone tell me they looked like glass nails. I love the look of glass art so that went a long way towards warming me to this manicure. What do you guys think? Remind you anything?

Edit: I must say that I didn't come up with this technique myself. I first saw it on Makeup Withdrawal who herself credited this YouTube video: 


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